Friday, 13 May 2016

Check your husband's phone and face flogging or jail in Saudi Arabia

Women in Saudi Arabia face being flogged or jailed if they check their husband's phone without his permission.

The offence, which is not covered in Saudi Islamic laws would be prosecuted as a violation of privacy. The law on checking someone's phone is a Ta'zir offence. It comes under judicial discretion because it has no definition or prescribed purnishment under Islam. The punishment is dependent on the damage caused.  Being a Ta'zar offence, not identified legally, since it involves a husband and wife, it is possible that the punishment can be flogging, a fine, jail term, signing a pledge or no punishment at all.

For you reading, what do you think?

For the women travelling to Saudi Arabia with their husbands, please avoid handling with your man's phone till you come back.

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