Friday, 6 May 2016

Isreali man takes God to court, seeks restraining order against God

"God the Father" by Chima Da Conegliano
An Israeli man has petitioned for a restraining order against God, claiming the almighty has been particularly unkind to him over the years and that the police are unable to do anything.  

The man, named by Isreali site NRG as David Shoshan, represented himself at a court hearing in Haifa, a port city in the north of Israel. The report noted that God was not present to defend himself.

The court heard God had been particularly unkind to Mr Shoshan, treating him "harshly and not nicely", though no specific details were giving about what exactly had happened to make him feel this way.

Mr Shoshan claimed he made several attempts to contact police to report God's alleged crimes, and that patrol cars had been sent to his house on 10 occasions.

However, the measure was ineffective against the deity and police advised him to take out a restraining order.

The request for a restraining order was denied by the presiding judge Ahsan Canaan, who said the request was "delusional" and that the petitioner required help from sources outside of the court.

God could not be contracted for comment.


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