Friday 22 April 2016

Ex-President Goodluck Jonathan in New Jersey, speaks on strong institutions

Ex-President Goodluck Jonathan was in the city Newark, New Jersey, on Thursday (21st April, 2016), where he discussed strong democratic institutions and credible elections in Africa.

Jonathan tweets that "the renaissance of Africa will come if we get leadership right by perfecting the law of process by which leaders are chosen". He posits that "today more African leaders are being empowered or disempowered by the people directly thru free and fair elections "."When leaders are selected thru credible elections they have the legitimacy and not moral courage to make bold decisions"."For elections to be credible leaders must value the process over the product of that process, and citizens must trust the electoral body" he tweets and finally, he tweets that "African leaders must always be ready to rise to the occasion by planting trees whose shade they may never enjoy".

We totally agree with his position on building strong institutions and states than strong leaders who the institutions rely on before functioning. What is your own take on this?

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