Sunday 24 April 2016

See how London Mayor attacked President Obama, calling him 'half Kenyan'

The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson has described President Obama as being incoherent, inconsistent and downright hypocritical over Obama's editorial views urging the United Kingdom to stay in the European Union.

Mr. Johnson explained that it is hypocritical of the president to suggest to the United Kingdom to be be part of the European Union when the United States will not subjugate itself to any union or international body.

The mayor accuses Obama of opposing the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union because Obama is part Kenyan. He said Obama is part Kenyan and has ancestral dislike of the British Empire.

For the crew of The New Informer, Boris Johnson take on Obama's Kenyan origin is worrisome. Can some one who occupies the Office of the Mayor of London think that Kenyans dislike her majesty's kingdom? That is racial and condemnable. It is worthy to note that Boris Johnson was born in New York (he is American) and is part Turkish because his great grand father is from Turkey. On the other hand, Kenyans and other Africans vhave contributed in no small measure to what the United Kingdom is today.

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